Cloud Backup vs. Local Backup - Which is Better?

February 15, 2022

Cloud Backup vs. Local Backup - Which is Better?

Keeping your data safe is essential, and backups are the most effective way to do it. But the question that comes up is which option is better – cloud backup or local backup? And the answer is... it depends.

Pros and Cons of Cloud Backup


  • Accessibility from Anywhere: One of the biggest advantages of cloud backup is that you can access your data from anywhere, anytime. As long as you have an internet connection and valid credentials, you can access your backups.
  • Automated Backups: With cloud backup, you don't have to worry about setting up backup schedules manually. It is usually automated, making it more streamlined and less time-consuming.
  • Easy Scalability: If you need more storage space, you can easily upgrade your storage plan without worrying about the physical limits of your equipment.


  • Security Concerns: Since your data is stored on remote servers, there is always the risk of unauthorized access. However, most cloud backup providers take security seriously and use encryption to protect data.
  • Relies on Internet Connection: To access your backups, you need internet connectivity. If the internet is down or slow, accessing your data will be a challenge.

Pros and Cons of Local Backup


  • Faster Data Recovery: Local backups are faster when it comes to data recovery. This is because the data is stored on your devices, and retrieval is instantaneous.
  • Increased Control of Data: With local backups, you have full control over your data. You can choose what information to backup or exclude, and how often they are saved.
  • No Additional Costs: You won't need to worry about recurring subscription costs since you're not using a third-party provider.


  • Susceptible to Physical Damage: Physical damage, such as fire or water damage, can corrupt or destroy your backups.
  • Limited Storage Space: Local backups are limited to the storage capacity of the device you're using. This can create a problem if you need more storage space than your equipment can handle.
  • Not Accessible Remotely: To access your backups, you need to be physically close to the device where the data is stored.

Which is Better?

As mentioned earlier, the answer is subjective and depends on your needs. However, if you're looking for our recommendation, cloud backup is better for most people. Why? Here are some reasons:

  • Cloud backup is more secure since data is stored remotely and protected by encryption.
  • Cloud backups allow you to access data from anywhere, making it more convenient.
  • Cloud backup services such as Google Drive, iCloud, or Dropbox offer affordable rates for their storage plans.

However, if you prefer complete control over your data and you're willing to pay for additional storage space, local backup can still be a good option.


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